Spice Cabinet Vineyard, a unique 18-acre site, sits adjacent to the Columbia River on the Mercer family farm. A deep sandy soil that has blown over the rock bluffs above & a steep south east aspect create site characteristics that are similar to areas in the Rhone. Planted with a wide-array of varietals, this vineyard truly is our winery’s spice cabinet.

Spice Cabinet Vineyard

Eagle & Plow
Eagle & Plow, our largest vineyard site, sits at the Northwest corner of the Mercer farm. The name exemplifies patriotism and hard work.

Big Teepee Vineyard
Big Teepee Vineyard, a small 5-acre site, sits adjacent to the Mercer family farm office (hence, the name). It is a bit of an enigma with regards to terroir. First planted primarily as a landscape improvement, the vineyard consistently produces a Cabernet of extremely deep color with a very healthy dose of rich tannins.

Cavalie Vineyard
Captain Alexander Cavalie Mercer was a hero in the famous battle of Waterloo. This vineyard is named in honor of his heroism. Cavalie Vineyard is also home to BLOCK 93, dedicated to the modern day heroes of Flight 93, who died fighting on September 11th, 2001.

In 2011, two patriotic friends, each with a connection to the tragedy on 9/11 planted BLOCK 93 at Mercer Ranches. This single block, planted with 911 vines, is dedicated to patriots who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

Culloden Vineyard
When the Scottish lost the Battle of Culloden to the English, Hugh Mercer was forced to flee from Scotland. It was the beginning of a bright future in the New World. Culloden Vineyard is named after this catalytic moment in Mercer family history.

Dead Canyon Vineyard
Dead Canyon Vineyard bears the name of the topographical landmark on which it resides. Grapes are planted along both canyon edges, about three miles south of the original Mercer family farmstead. The site has two distinct aspects due to the fact that it is planted on both canyon edges, and thus has both a north and south face.

Princeton Vineyard
During the Revolutionary War, Brigadier General Hugh Mercer fought & died in the Battle of Princeton. The 525 acre, 27 block Princeton Vineyard pays homage to his sacrifice.